Welcome to Pacific Grid-Tech, a high quality TEM grid provider. We produce several kinds of TEM grids, such as Mo grids, Cu grids, Ni grids... and also produce the grids pre-coated with many kinds of films, such as holey film, thin carbon film and sandwich film. Our grids surface is very smooth, which results from the film being coated flatly. The flat film is critical to several scientific research projects, especially for electron crystallography.
-- Booy F.P. etc., Cryo-crinkling: what happens to carbon films on copper grids at low temperature, Ultramicroscopy. 48(1993)3, 273-80 "... the use of molybdenum grids has become standard in electron cryo-microscopy. However, the rough surface of these grids can also induce the carbon film to crinkle..." -- Fujiyoshi Y., The structural study of membrane proteins by electron crystallography, Adv. Biophysics, 35(1998) 25-80. "One of the main problems in data collection of 2D protein crystals for EM is a lack of flatness of the specimens. The resulting overlap of data from crystal areas of slightly different tilt angles (visible as blurring of the diffraction spots in the direction perpendicular to the tilt axis) is especially severe at high tilt angles and effectively reduces the vertical resolution of a 3-D map" -- Vonck, J., Parameters affecting specimen flatness of two-dimensional crystals for electron crystallography, Ultramicroscopy, 5(2000) 123-129.
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